Alex Fong Chun Sun drinks alcohol, while wife Mok Ho Yan takes care of daughter

Afterwards, when Mok Ho Yan knew that Fong Chun Sun was ab! out to f inish his meal. She immediately carried Fu Ching with her to the Yacht Club carpark to drive the car to the front of the restaurant entrance. She seemed to be a Good 24 hour wife. On her way back, she stopped her family Benz car by a supermarket and went inside with her maid. As well as buying many Baby foods, she bought many packets of instant noodles. Afterwards the reporter phoned her about her taking care of daughter alone while her husband was enjoying himself drinking alcohol. She replied "It doesn't matter, his friend is one of our close neighbours. Men will have their chats. It is good though because people are not allowed to drink and drive. It's good to drink in Marina Cove because after he's finished he can go straight home without the need to drive."
Mok Ho Yan stated that all 3 of them will go travelling later. "When he finishes filming "????????" in Shanghai, we will travel to Thailand's Koh Samui. It will be the first time Ka Ching will! go on a trip. I am quite nervous about it but fortunately we go there often and know the place well. I will certainly apply a lot of suntan protection on her as her skin is very white." She expressed that she still hasn't been successful in losing weight, but her daughter is most important to her.
Source: Hunan News
Translated by: Matchbox @
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